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Action-Oriented Models of Cognitive Processing: A Little Less Cogitation, A Little More Action Please

J. Kilner, B. Hommel, M. Bar, L.W. Barsalou, K.J. Friston, J. Jost, A. Maye, T. Metzinger, F. Pulvermüller, M. Sánchez-Fibla, J.K. Tsotsos and G. Vigliocco |

in: The Pragmatic Turn: Toward Action-Oriented Views in Cognitive Science (2016)
A.K. Engel, K.J. Friston and D. Kragic (Eds.) pp. 159-174

Top-down Effects in Visual Perception

M. Bar and A. Bubic |

in: The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Neuroscience (2013)
K. Ochsner and S. Kosslyn (Eds.) pp. 60-73

Predictions and Incongruency in Object Recognition: A Cognitive Neuroscience Perspective

M. Bar |

in: Predictions in the Brain: using our past to generate a future (2011)
M Bar (Ed.) pp. 13-26

The Proactive Brain

A. Tal, A. Bloch, H. Cohen-Dallal, O. Aviv, S.S. Ashkenazi, M. Bar, E. | Scientific Reports 11:6190

See it with feeling: affective predictions during object perception

L.F. Barrett and M. Bar | 

​in: Predictions in the Brain: using our past to generate a future (2011)
M Bar (Ed.) pp. 107-121

The proactive brain: Using memory-based predictions in visual recognition

K. Kveraga, J. Boshyan and M. Bar | 

in: Object Categorization: Computer and Human Vision Perspectives (2009)
S. Dickinson, M. Tarr, A. Leonardis and B. Schiele (Eds.) pp. 384-400

Top-down facilitation of visual object recognition

M. Bar | 

in: Neurobiology of Attention (2005)
L. Itti, G. Rees and J. Tsotsos (Eds.) pp. 140-145

Conscious and non-conscious processing of visual object identity

M. Bar | 

in: Beyond Dissociations: Interaction between dissociable conscious and nonconscious processing (2000)
Y. Rosetti and A. Revonsuo (Eds.) pp. 153-174

Viewpoint-invariant information in subordinate-level object classification

I. Biederman, S. Subramaniam, P. Kaloscai and M. Bar | 

in: Attention and Performance XVII: Cognitive regulation of performance: Interaction of theory and application (1997)
D. Gopher and A. Koriat (Eds.) pp. 91-112

Scene Vision: making sense of what we see

Editors: K. Kveraga, M. Bar |

MIT Press (Cambridge 2014)

Predictions in the Brain: using our past to generate a future

Editor: M. Bar |

Oxford University Press (New-York 2011)



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